Posts Tagged ‘reading’


hello from beyond

July 8, 2008 not really.  it just seems a long time.  it is a week into july afterall.  another week and my birthday.  i dont actually care for it… for me, it’s a day older and not any wiser.  i keep thinking that i am in the same predicaments as the previous year and the one before that.  have i grown or slightly deteriorated?  hard to tell. 

anyway independence weekend was good and bad – fun going to the city, but bad cause of the arguments.  they always seem to present themselves around the holidays.  maybe that’s why i dread them.

today wasn’t good.  i got so freaked out by a spider (horrible fear of them) that i got into the driver seat of my car via the passenger side.  i saw a dead cat on the road.. bloody fur.. makes me sad.  also, this freaking lady in a suv almost hit my car at 70 mph if i hadn’t veered into the next lane!  couldn’t be good on my heart.  i already have too much anxiety as it is.  so, basically i’ve been too anxious to be depressed.  i haven’t cried in at least 2 weeks.  i’ve been sleeping in all my free time. 

reading would be soothing.  i finished Shimura Trouble by Sujata Massey and found out that regrettably, it was the last book in the series.  i think i will go back to reading Reginald Hill again unless anyone has any suggestions for mysteries, which in that case send them my way!! 

well that’s all for now.  updates later!